“Duque is a high-altitude, deep Cabernet Sauvignon, brimming with subtleties,
that represents the celebration of life.”


The Landing

Cabernet Sauvignon is the most widely planted grape variety in Chile and the one that has gained greatest acclaim. It landed in our country in the second half of the 19th century, after a long voyage from Bordeaux. Originating from a massal selection of these early pre-phylloxera vines, Duque represents the past and future of some of the best French wines. Cabernet Sauvignon was enthusiastically propagated in the foothills of the Andes Mountains. It settled there very naturally, as if it really felt at home, and expressed, from the beginning, an unparalleled balance and beauty.

The Heights

On a terrace of fluvial and glacial origin, over 1,000 meters (3,280 ft) above sea level, the south-oriented vineyard faces the silhouette of a mountain that cuts the hours of sunshine and prevents overripening of the grapes during the summer. The vines grow on alluvial and colluvial soils, on 15-degree slopes. “Vegetative growth is slower and the vines can devote themselves to developing concentrated aromas and flavors contained in their tiny berries,” explains François Massoc. With its clayish soils with high rock content, winds that descend from the Andean massifs and its intricate geomorphology, the foothills along the Cachapoal river are the perfect place for Duque to develop all its lineage and elegance.

“Cabernet Sauvignon is Chile’s signature grape variety. It feels very comfortable in different settings, but the foothills of the Cachapoal valley are one of the places in the world it calls home.”


The Style

Duque cannot hide its aristocratic lineage. Its manners are refined, but its speech is always honest, eloquent, and sharp. The grapes are destemmed and fermented in small open tanks, without haste or sudden turns. Movements are always smooth. Always by gravity. François does not rush his yeasts, but keeps them happy and waits for them to finish their work. Fermentation can last several weeks. Sometimes, over a month. The winemaking process is all about delicacy, patience, and attention to details. The wine is aged in French